
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Obscure Post

Since I have nothing to write a post about, and absolutely have to have something on here, apparently; I decided to just write a post informing you that I have nothing to post about. It worries me that anyone would read a post titled 'Obscure Post' anyway. Man, I'm really abusing the word post. Alright, now I'm just writing for the sake of writing. I wonder if I'll actually post this? Who knows. Well, you do, if you're reading it... Hey, do you think this counts as an 'interesting post'? If so, then I need to write two more... If not, then... meh.


  1. Gee, wow. That post really IS obscure. Now, I'm wondering why i'm commenting on an obscure post anyway. Whatever. See Ya!

  2. Hi Sophie,
    An obscure post worth commenting bet. Only you can make something this obscure interesting.
    Mrs. Berg
